Other News

Circle Graphic’s Talks About VISEN

Static billboards have been an OOH mainstay for decades. You know the media: Those “traditional” 14’ x 48’ bulletins lining high-traffic thoroughfares, be they city centers or well-travelled highways and freeways. And while this type of outdoor media has always been highly effective, and often highly creative in its execution, […]

Out of Home Caters to Singles

By Norm Chait, Director of Out of home Product and Sales at Ubimo, a Quotient Brand. Vaccinations are increasing steadily with the warmer temperature—and with more Americans getting vaccinated and getting back outside every day, it’s becoming apparent that we’re at the cusp of a “hot vax summer.” People who […]

Company of The Day: 9 Outdoor & 6 Outdoor

Company:  9 Outdoor & 6 Outdoor Markets: Oklahoma Address: 7401 North Kelley Ave, Oklahoma City, OK. 73111 (9 Outdoor) and 303 North Boston Ave, Tulsa, OK. 74103 (6 Outdoor). Email: brown.douglas@griffin.news Phone: 405-812-3456 9 Outdoor and 6 Outdoor are affiliated companies which operate a billboard plant with 13 faces in Oklahoma […]

Gephart on Selling Out of Home Versus Local TV

This review of media choices is for your own edification. Use leading questions in the data gathering stage to determine dissatisfaction with any of their current media choices. “Is (name an OOH attribute) important to you?”  “Does (name a competing media weakness) frustrate you?” Many OOH companies teach reps to […]

OAAA’s Mission, By Anna Bager

  OAAA’s Mission By: Anna Bager President & CEO, OAAA Click here to view the published article.   As the OOH industry’s leading trade organization, our mission is to protect, advocate, and accelerate the growth of the entire OOH industry on behalf of our members. We do this by advocating for […]

IBO Supports OAAA Mission Statement

Over the last week or so, there has been a flurry of stories floating around and many of you have asked me to share what the IBOUSA comments were. Today Anna Bager released a statement that nicely summarizes what we can expect from OAAA as our industry trade organization. Please […]

Lamar Harris Day, A Salute to Those Who Build, Post, and Repair Billboards

Today is hot and humid in Valdosta, GA. In South Georgia and across America — no matter the weather — dedicated operations crews are posting, maintaining, and building billboards. Sometimes overlooked, ops crews personify “essential workers.” Insider is honored to share the story of one of these operations heroes: Lamar […]

Company of the Day – Abel Outdoor

Company: Abel Outdoor Advertising Markets: Montana Headquarters:  23685 US Highway 93 N, Arlee, Montana  59821 Phone: 406-880-4964 Email: ernieo@abeloutdooradvertising.com Abel Outdoor Advertising operates a billboard plant in the following Montana communities: St Ignatius Florence Stevensville Hamilton Missoula The company was started in 2003 and is owned by Ernest Otoupalik   […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds May 29, 2021

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]

Busby Outdoor Files Complaint Over Trailhead Media Sale

Insider’s note:  Busby Outdoor has filed suit in the second judicial court district of Jones County Mississippi seeking damages relating to sale of certain assets to Trailhead Media in July 2020. Here’s a summary of the complaint based on the court documents. Busby Outdoor LLC (“Busby”) filed a complaint on […]