Other News

OBIES ANNOUNCEMENT: Deadline for Entries Extended to January 20th

OBIEs Deadline Extension It’s true. We’ve extended the deadline for OBIEs entries to January 20th. Use this extra week to craft a strong submission and enter your very best campaigns of 2022! Help us make OOH history at the 81st Annual OBIE Awards in March. The final deadline is Friday, […]

Company of the Day: Sun Outdoor

Company:  Sun Outdoor Advertising. Markets:  Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington Headquarters:  11221 Pacific Highway SW, Lakewood, WA  98499 Phone:  866-581-3118 Email: info@sunoutdoor.com Sun Outdoor is a family owned business which was started in 1982.  The firm’s plant includes billboards in the following communities: Bakersfield, CA Ridgecrest, CA Mohavi, CA Tehachapi, CA Barstow, […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds January 14, 2023

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]

Happy Birthday Jim Johnsen!

Out of home industry investment banker Jim Johnsen of Johnsen Fretty had his birthday celebrated (where else) on a billboard.  Standing in front of the billboard are some of Jim’s friends (left to right): Greg Ziomek (Ultralum), Jenna Panepinto (OUTFRONT), John Mahoney (OUTFRONT), Angela Rufo (OUTFRONT), John Carroll (Carroll Outdoor). […]

Wes Frick on AI Uses and Limits in Ad Design

This article was written by a human.  A disclaimer like this may be needed in the future.  Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) will disrupt out of home advertising by automating certain tasks and by providing easy access to information. Ask Chat GPT-3 these prompts and see what you get: What are the […]

Fotofetch Shot of the Week

  One Step Photos- What’s the process you go through to have a photo taken?  We looked at the multi-touch, need to manage the process is extremely out of date.  With FotoFetch you enter an order, and we deliver the photos.  There’s not a lot of messy stuff in between […]

Company of the Day: Steel City Outdoor

Company:  Steel City Billboards Markets: Pennsylvania Headquarters: 715 Riverview Rd, Verona, PA  15147 Phone: 888-288-7441 Email: mdfowkes@steelcitybillboards.com Steel City Billboards is a family-owned firm which operates a billboard plant with 68 faces, including 50 digital faces in communities in and around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The company was started in 2011 and is a member of OAAA, […]

Rothfelder on Adams v Madison

In Appeals Court cites Reagan v Austin in Denying Adams Lawsuit Billboard Insider reported on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeal decision in Adams Outdoor vs City of Madison, holding that the permission afforded in the Madison Sign Code for digital on-premise signs while denied for off-premise was not content […]

Two Additional Acquisitions for The Second Half of 2022

After our update on OOH transactions for the second half of 2022, Insider heard from two readers to make sone additions to the list. Just wanted to let you know after seeing the 2022 acquisitions, that Trailhead Media bought Elliott Outdoor Advertising on Aug 22, 2022. Happy New Year. I […]

Join OAAA in Supporting Pass It On

The OAAA has once again partnered with The Foundation for a Better Life to promote the “Pass It On” PSA campaign. For over 20 years, the foundation has pushed positive and uplifting messages, leaning on positive role models to inspire individuals everywhere. The latest lineup of role models and messages […]