Other News

Unveiling the Exclusive Fall IBO Conference: Register Now!

The Out of Home (OOH) advertising industry is gearing up for one of its most awaited events of the year—the Fall IBO (Independent Billboard Operators) Conference. This exclusive gathering promises to be a cornerstone in the OOH calendar, bringing together industry experts, thought leaders, and operators to explore, learn, and […]

Reader Comments On Jesse Londons’ Article on Weather, Billboards and Rust

Billboard Insider always appreciates thoughtful and encouraging comments from readers including these two comments on Jesse Londons‘ article from yesterday. Ted Bratsos, President of All Steel Structures writes: Three cheers for Jesse London on Weather, Billboards, and Rust! Not everyone understands the impact rust can have on your structures. It […]

Travel Continues into 4Q 2023 According to OAAA/Harris Research.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 – More Gen Z consumers are planning to travel this holiday season as compared to other generations and are prioritizing new cities and experiences, according to “OOH Consumer Insights & Opportunities Q4 2023: Holiday Travel & Shopping,” the latest research report conducted by The […]

PSA’s Support Maui Recovery Work

In response to the devastation caused by the wildfires, www.returnthealoha.org was created to aid five local charities and organizations that are helping those in need on Maui. “The recovery on Maui is going to take years – perhaps decades. (Paradise, yes, but also isolated with a small construction workforce.) This is why […]

Company of the Day: Carter Outdoor

Company:  Carter Outdoor Market:  Florida Headquarters:    PO Box 3648, North Fort Meyers, Florida  33918 Phone:  239-543-1110 Email:  info@carteroutdoor.com Carter Outdoor was founded in 1956 and has 300 billboard locations in Southern Florida.  The firm’s plant consist primarily of 10.6 by 36 monopole billboards in the Fort Myers/Naples area and 14 by 48 monopole […]

Jesse London On Weather, Billboards and Rust

Jesse London, President of TierOne Media Media, shared his thoughts with Billboard insider on the weather in the southeast.  TierOne has static and digital billboard opportunities throughout the Mobile, Montgomery, Pensacola and Emerald Coast markets. In our two and one half years we have not seen a hurricane yet, though […]

A Reader Comments on Law Firm Vandalizing Their Own Billboards

A Billboard Insider reader saw our article on Morgan & Morgan Graffiti Billboard and shred one of his experiences with an ad campaign. I am not in outdoor currently but this did remind me of a campaign we ran in Palm Springs when I was GM of Fairway.  A religious […]

Steer Clear of this Out of Home Fraud

The Philippine Securities and Exchange commission has issued a warning that a fraudulent company named Clear Channel Outdoor Asia Corp is attempting to solicit investments even though it is not related to or affiliated with Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, the public US based out of home company.  The real Clear […]

Company of the Day: Coast Outdoor

Company:  Coast Outdoor Advertising Markets:  British Columbia Address: 325 – 645 Fort Street, Victoria, BC  V8W 1G2, Canada Email: darren@coastoutdoor.com Phone: 250-388-3733 Coast Outdoor is a family business which operates a billboard, transit and bus plant in British Columbia.  The plant includes 200 billboards on Vancouver Island and another 200 billboards across the British Columbia […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds September 16, 2023

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: I would like to purchase a classified ad on Billboard Insider to help advertise my business.  It worked so well for The Nine, that I know it’s money well spent.  John James, SignBird “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our Ad on […]