Other News

Billboard Insider One Year Old.

Billboard Insider just concluded its first year.  John Weller and I wish to thank you for making the website a success with your views and advertising support.  Eight in ten startups fail but this one has been a resounding success.  We set a record in June with 16,331 views from 4,167 […]

Outdoor Advertising Values June 2016

The four public outdoor companies were valued at  3.7 times gross revenue and 13.2 times cashflow at June 30, 2016 according the the Yahoo Finance pages for Clear Channel Outdoor, Outfront, Lamar and JCDecaux.  Lamar leads the group at a valuation of 6.4 times revenue and 15.3 times cashflow. Insider […]

Vehicle Recognition Moves Forward In Japan

Insider has previously reported on billboard technology that can identify the make, model, and year of cars as they approach an LED sign. Yahoo Tech reports that Smart data storage company Cloudian and Japanese advertising company Dentsu will be launching a campaign in Japan this fall based on the technology. […]

Solar Billboards and The Weather

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and Clear Channel are deploying 500 solar powered lanterns at bus stops.  Insider has lending clients who use solar to power billboards which are too far from the grid to get electricity.  Lamar has solar powered billboards in 8 markets in Florida. Weather matters […]

iHeart, Some Lenders at Impasse

iHeartMedia has reached an impasse on talks with some of its creditors. Since winning a court judgement in May, the broadcaster has been trying to reach an agreement on how to restructure some $21 billion in debt. The company has told the Securities and Exchange Commission its assessing whether to […]

Forbes On Outdoor

Forbes published an article on outdoor and transit advertising titled What’s the Opposite of Digital Advertising? Hint: It’s Artisanal and Its  Wheels Go Round ‘N Round. Forbes articulates the outdoor value proposition: “Always on, viewable and cannot be turned off, skipped or fast-forwarded.” A reasonable cost ($3.45 CPM for transit […]

Company of the Day: JR Billboards

Company: JR Billboards Market: Indiana Headquarters: 430 2nd St, Columbus, IN  47201 Phone: 812-379-2173 JR Promotions owns 1000 billboard faces in Indiana.  The company was started by Janeen Sprague in July of 1986.  She owned a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that relied on interstate billboards.   Janeen saw an opportunity […]

New Transit/Airport Deals for Clear Channel and Gateway

Two new transit/airport advertising deals have been announced. Clear Channel Outdoor has signed a 10 year agreement to take over Minneapolis Airport advertising from JCDecaux.   Clear Channel previously sold ads in Terminal G while JCDecaux sold ads in the rest of the airport.  At the end of July Clear Channel will […]

Billboards Which Blend In To The Landscape

By David Oakill, DavidOakill.com.  Recently, I was asked to render a couple concepts for billboards that would appear to blend in with their surroundings as opposed to just being placed on site. The following images were created to show what landscaping the existing site would do to create this effect. […]

Outdoor Legal: Know What Your Sign Code Says About Abandoned Signs

You need to know what your sign code says about abandoned signs.  Sometimes it makes sense to leave advertising on a sign even after a contract runs out to avoid having a sign declared abandoned.  An  April 12, 2016  Missouri Appeals Court ruling highlights the importance of knowing what your sign code […]