OUTFRONT Augmented Reality Halloween Content

To get commuters in the spirit, OUTFRONT XLabs designed Spirits on the Moove, a Halloween-themed mobile Augmented Reality (AR) experience. The OOH-first experience allows outdoor audiences to capture commuter ghosts going about their day using Instagram Stories and a set of playfully animated AR filters accessible when scanning embedded QR codes.

Audiences are encouraged to use the filter to capture their favorite commuter ghosts and create their own shareable content by placing them in unlikely situations throughout the day. Check out the teaser video to see the content in action HERE!

SPIRTS ON THE MOOVE will be featured in transit and on large digital assets in New York, Boston, Washington D.C., San Francisco, and Minneapolis through November 1st.

This interactive experience is one of many being developed by OUTFRONT XLabs, as part of their continued efforts in exploring present-day to near future creative innovations in Outdoor Media. The experience is being delivered through the Moments in Time channel; which provides unique and often interactive content experiences that align with relevant activities, areas of interests, times of year, calendar events, and novel holidays to on-the-go transit audiences.

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