Out of the Office – Michael Lang & “The Human Collective”

Besides focussing on billboard real estate opportunities, Michael Lang of Lang Media is now a published author.  Insider talked to Michael about his first book, “The Human Collective”.

Is “The Human Collective” your first book?  

Yes, it’s my first novel.  It’s an apocalyptic sci-fi story, set in the future where technology, greed and a select few rule the world.  Ironically, the story takes place in a worldwide great depression. Of course, there are out of home screens that scan people and display tailored messages.

Why a science fiction book?

Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed science fiction. Even when I was a kid, my favorite show was the Twilight Zone. Also, my ideas on world economics are a little out there for today. I believe every time a factory replaces a human with robotics, they should pay a tax that goes into an unemployment fund indefinitely.  If you replace the people forever, you pay the tax forever.  Instead of preaching to people about my ideas, I thought it would be more interesting in a sci fi story. On the other hand, I recently heard Elon Musk mention this same concept in a talk and it made me think “maybe I’m not that crazy”?

How long did it take you to write the book? 

I’m a determined type of person, so I dedicated 5 hours per every morning to write uninterrupted.  The first draft was done in three months and then it took the remainder of the year to go to print.

If I want a copy, where can I get it?  

Amazon or Barnes and Noble for the hardcopy or Audible Audiobook.


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