Out of the Office: Marty Williamson

Out of home advertising broker Marty Williamson of Williamson and Associates competes in Damn the Torpedos.  He describes the event in his own words:

I enjoy driving my 1975 Triumph TR6.  I also enjoy car shows and often participate in a timed road rally event called Damn The Torpedo’s. Every November 50 vintage cars run 300 miles from Athens, Georgia to St Marys, Florida.  At the start of the race you and your navigator are handed an envelope with a series of clues that you must figure out to find your way to several check points along the way. If you miss a check point or if you get a speeding ticket you are disqualified…On my last race I managed to pull of one of my best sales pitches ever by talking the trooper who had pulled me over into letting me out of the speeding ticket, after he had already handed it to me.   So far I’ve only been able to finish in 15th place.  For most teams it’s more about just completing the race and the celebration waiting for you at the world famous Captain Seagle’s Saloon in the historic Riverview Hotel at the finish line than where you place.  I’m sure the annual event is highly anticipated by the usually sleepy little town !  On a side note – the finish line is just down the street from the Vista Outdoor headquarters – recently acquired by Standard Outdoor.  Rumor has it, Mike Morrill has been spotted at Seagle’s…

Out of the Office is a Billboard Insider’s Saturday column which describes what members of the out of home community do on their days off.  If you have a hobby which you’d like featured in Out of the Office contact Insider using the form below.

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