Out of the Office – Charlotte NC, ArtPop and Wendy Hickey

If you are in Charlotte, North Carolina this weekend, a fun way to spend the day is this weekends ArtPop tour.  Insider spoke with Wendy Hickey, the founder of ArtPop.

Wendy Hickey, ArtPop

Yes, we have all new artists for 2021 our 8th year in the Charlotte Region & have created a walking and driving tour to give our community a safe, outdoor event!

We also  are featured today on a  Next Stage panel discussion. That came about with Next Stage’s connection to the nonprofit community in Charlotte and a current series they are running, our new division of ArtPop Street Gallery, Inspiration Projects was on point with their shining the light on how nonprofits can bring value to corporate partners and visa versa.

The Next Stage panel discussion is at noon, eastern time, today.  It is an on-line panel and you can register for the Zoom panel here.

There are two options. ArtPop Uptown a walking tour of art , and ArtPop Charlotte, a driving tour, with a number of featured artists.

Here are the maps for both events.











ArtPop is a non-profit that makes the OOH industry look good and you can donate at their web site here.


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