With all of the pandemic gyrations businesses need OOH now more than ever. Virtually every business is being stymied by the labor shortage. OOH can help in a way that no other medium can. The quantity of job candidates isn’t determined by the size of an ad budget but rather buy how smart the advertiser spends the money. An OOH recruitment ad works “overtime”, 24/7, across all three shifts.
Unlike general product advertising, recruitment advertising has no defined budget. Employers must spend what they have to in order to fill their job openings. The cost of not being fully staffed is much greater than any cost of help wanted ads.
The decision makers in this realm are talent acquisition leaders, recruiters, staffing managers, human resource managers, talent sourcing leaders, staffing specialists, office managers and managing partners. HR departments are especially time starved during this hiring frenzy. Assure your prospect you’ll make their out of home program effective, thorough, and turnkey. Use a customized Service Guarantee with assurances for HR professionals. Recruitment clients work week to week, tracking openings, applicants, hires, etc. They require weekly check-ins from you.
OOH delivers three audiences for the price of one. While job posting sites like Indeed, Monster, and Zip Recruiter do a good job of reaching people who are actively job seeking, OOH reaches these “current” job seekers PLUS the “emerging” job seeker; people who are mildly or suddenly dissatisfied with their current job. They can be enticed into looking for a new job with the right offer. The third is the “shadow audience” – Spouses, friends, significant others who see the OOH ad and refer it to potential job applicants.
OOH delivers targetability few other media can. Imagine the power and effectiveness of targeting a competitor’s location with a compelling OOH recruitment ad. Because companies abide by equal opportunity employment practices, OOH enables employers to target ethnic and socio-economic geographies that are hard to reach with other media.
Help your clients avoid the pitfalls of “nothing ads.” Just putting up “now hiring” won’t get the job done. In this hyper competitive employee market, your clients must make compelling offers. A recent billboard ad promoting a $7500 signing bonus for CDL/store delivery people was powerful-very generous but necessary in this tight labor market.
Along with our standard seven to ten words, we can use a picture which is worth a thousand words. Educate your advertisers to use an image of their ideal job candidate. Prospects are drawn to faces; faces sell! Avoid using pictures of buildings, trucks, products, and the like.
If your client is using digital OOH media, it is very powerful to use specific day of the week references for example: Monday’s message can be: “Hate Mondays…or your job”? Friday’s messaging: “Start your new life with us on Monday.”
I have a recruitment advertising client proposal template I will send if you email me at kevinjgephart@gmail.com.
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