Out of Home a powerful tool for reaching Gen Z and Millennials

WASHINGTON D.C. (November 18, 2021) – Out of home (OOH) advertising, in combination with social media, is a powerful vehicle for reaching younger generations, according to a new consumer survey. More than two-thirds (67%) of Gen Z and Millennial consumers recall seeing out of home advertising on social media, and the vast majority – 91 percent of Gen Zers and 82 percent of Millennials – say they would reshare OOH ads on social.

These are key findings from “OOH Media Opportunities: Consumer Insights and Intent – Early 2022,” a new research report from the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), the national trade association for the entire OOH media ecosystem, conducted in partnership with The Harris Poll.

But young people are doing more than posting about the OOH ads they see. Almost three-fifths of U.S. consumers have engaged with OOH ads, including 85 percent of Gen Zers and 78 percent of Millennials. This active engagement takes many forms, from downloading an app (46% for Gen Z) to making an ecommerce purchase (27% for Millennials).

At the same time, U.S. consumers, particularly on the younger end of the spectrum, are very concerned about their privacy and the use of personal information online. Most Gen Zers (72%) and Millennials (77%) are worried that their data being used to target them with ads across the internet.

Yet, nearly half of those surveyed say that contextual OOH ads – those that include timely information, such as a product relevant to the current weather or breakfast offerings in the morning – are more interesting to them than typical advertising.

This finding, coupled with internet privacy concerns, points to programmatically delivered out of home as a highly effective contextual advertising opportunity.

Young people are drawn to fresh, new advertising experiences, including within virtual and augmented reality experiences across the budding metaverse. A majority (82%) of both Gen Zers and Millennials say they are open to seeing some type of ad within VR or AR, and 72% of US adults in larger urban centers (population 1M+) say the same.

“This should be a wake-up call to all digital marketers: although Americans, particularly young Americans, are wary of targeted online advertising, they have a growing appetite for advertising that speaks to their need state,” said Anna Bager, President and CEO, OAAA. “It’s heartening that the growth of programmatic digital out of home will enable marketers to tap into a younger, tech-savvy demographic of consumer.”

“The fact that the majority of consumers have engaged with an out of home ad is proof positive that consumers embrace OOH advertising that is of interest, targeted and relevant to their lives,” said John Gerzema, CEO, The Harris Poll. “But the fact that the majority of young consumers have shared an OOH ad on social media should be a revelation for marketers. When was the last time you shared an online ad?”

“OOH Media Opportunities: Consumer Insights and Intent – Early 2022” was sponsored by The Foundation for Outdoor Advertising Research and Education (FOARE), a 501 (c) (3) not for profit, charitable organization.

To review the findings, go to: https://oaaa.org/harrispoll-AR-VR

The Harris Poll conducted the online survey from Oct. 20 – 25, 2021, with a representative sample of 1,000 U.S. Adults 18+. Data is weighted to reflect the U.S. general public across age, gender, race/ethnicity, region, income, household size, and employment.

About the OAAA
The Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) is the national trade association for the entire out of home (OOH) advertising industry. OAAA represents more than 800 members, including leading media companies, advertisers, agencies, ad-tech providers, and suppliers which comprise over 90 percent of the industry. OOH media includes billboards, street furniture, transit, place-based media, and digital formats (DOOH) across every sector of the channel. OAAA is the unifying voice for the industry, the authoritative thought leader, and the passionate advocate for advancing OOH advertising in the United States. The legislative unit of OAAA advocates for the responsible growth of OOH with federal, state, and local government. OAAA-member media companies generously donate over $500 million in public service advertising annually. Founded in 1891, OAAA is headquartered in Washington, DC with offices in New York City. For more information, please visit oaaa.org.

About The Harris Poll
The Harris Poll is one of the longest-running surveys in the U.S. tracking public opinion, motivations, and social sentiment since 1963 that is now part of Harris Insights & Analytics, a global consulting and market research firm that delivers social intelligence for transformational times. We work with clients in three primary areas; building twenty-first-century corporate reputation, crafting brand strategy and performance tracking, and earning organic media through public relations research. Our mission is to provide insights and advisory to help leaders make the best decisions possible. For more information, please visit www.theharrispoll.com.

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