Operation Christmas Child Loves OOH!

Hello from Operation Christmas Child! It was wonderful getting to meet many of you at the IBO Conference last week.

Your partnership these past few years is not only motivating shoebox packers across the U.S. to get involved, but it is helping to spread the Gospel among the nations. This year we will celebrate the 30 years of ministry since our start in 1993! Each shoebox serves as a tangible expression of God’s love to children in need and go to some of the hardest to reach places across the globe. Over 209 million children have received a shoebox gift in over 170 countries and territories and many have participated in The Greatest Journey.

Lives are being changed, and these shoeboxes are serving as the pathway through which we can spread hope and joy!

Volunteers across the U.S. are already preparing to pack shoeboxes that will be collected during National Collection Week in November. Your partnership helps spread the word when you donate available space now through November 20.

We thank the Lord for your continued partnership. Please reach out with any questions you may have and take a look at this year’s new artwork, available here. Let us know if we can equip you with specific sizes that are not already provided.

Thank you in advance for helping us reach more children with Good News and great joy!


Lizette Miller



210-376-1914 | lcmiller@samaritan.org



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