When delving into the methodical process of successful recruitment of high-caliber talent for OOH leaders, we often pose a question. If you were to ask any OOH owner or senior executive, fresh from an exceptionally profitable year, the secret behind their success, what do you think their unanimous answer would be? You’ve got it— it’s the people. They would point to their dedicated team, passionately devoted to their clients, and the power of outdoor advertising to drive business success. Or, at least, something along these lines.
Do we believe they genuinely mean it? Absolutely. If this is indeed the case, then why do so many invest minimal time, energy, and effort in searching, recruiting, and hiring the best talent available? Why does it seem that many are disorganized, rushed, and lack a clear understanding of how to effectively execute this process? Here are five strategies to enhance your recruitment practices for your OOH company.
- Recruitment should be constant. As a leader, your responsibilities include perpetually scouting for potential star performers. You might think, “We’re a small company. I can’t hire everyone I find promising.” Relax. You can recruit top talent without hiring (yet). But you better not be hiring without recruiting top talent.
- Create a detailed job function worksheet for each role. Many recruitment efforts fail because of not properly defining the requirements of the position. For instance, do you know what type of salesperson your OOH company needs? Different OOH firms have varied expectations for their sales staff, with different roles requiring distinct responsibilities depending on their respective portfolios.
- Clarify your OOH company’s culture. Can you articulate your company’s culture clearly and succinctly? What kind of employee will complement your existing team? Are you looking to replicate your current culture or fill a cultural gap? As a leader, do you demand adherence to your methods or offer flexibility to achieve desired results in the employee’s preferred manner?
- Identify the specific attributes required for success. A recent survey revealed that 92% of hiring managers couldn’t specify the necessary characteristics for a new hire’s success in a given role. It’s challenging to recruit effectively if you don’t know precisely what you’re looking for.
- Adopt hiring assessment tools. We’ve been hiring for over 30 years, studying best hiring practices, and honing our interviewing skills through practical experience. Regardless of your confidence level, no one possesses a crystal ball. You can glean only so much from a resume and an interview. If you truly want to understand a candidate’s potential before making the hire— the way you will after 90 days of employment— the only approach is to use validated hiring assessment tools and consult a professional to interpret the results.
Need help with sales skills or coaching to take your out of home company to the next level. Learn more about OOH Sales Mastery at oohmastery.com or Contact Dan Nausley at dan.nausley@sandler.com, 423.702.5579.
Lisa & Dan Nausley of Sandler Chattanooga have developed the OOH Sales Mastery Program after more than a decade of training/coaching scores of OOH Operators across the country in sales, leadership, and executive coaching.
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