Allison Outdoor has 1,270 out of home faces and 29 digital billboards deployed across North Carolina and Georgia. Insider asked Allison’s President Claude Dicks to talk about digital billboards.

You’ve got 29 digital billboards. How do you decide to install or convert a digital?
We look at a couple criteria. If we have two digitals in the market already…we may need one or two more…because we’re generally sold out. If we go into a market where our rates are lower than in other areas we may end up doing a smaller digital…to help our return on investment…In some of our more traditional markets we’ve built out pretty well and there’s a few markets that are not open for digitals right now…Some markets that are politically against digitals we went in and we told the city or county look, we’ll give you a free advertising slot on the digital if we can have a variance. And that has gone over really well.
What automated sales platforms are you using to help sell space?
We have Blip and are part of the IBO marketplace through Apparatix…Adomni – we’ve been hooked in with them for about two weeks now and Vistar we’re adding…So far Blip has been our main source…we’ve been working with them for about two years. We’ve seen small and moderate revenue from them which certainly does not hurt…Even if its $125/month when you space it out over 29 billboards it adds to the bottom line.
Claude will talk about moving from broadcasting to out of home, the gun billboard controversy, synergies between broadcasting and out of home, the three billboards movie, mistakes sales reps make and his most satisfying sale on next week’s Billboard Insider podcast.
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