OAAA Cannabis Map: A Valuable Resource to Guide Members

Andy McDonald, OAAA

By: Andy McDonald, SVP, Government Affairs, OAAA

In the US, the landscape surrounding cannabis, both for medical and recreational use, continues to evolve  and OAAA assists members in navigating the ongoing changes with the newly-updated Cannabis Map.  This resource offers members important insights into one of the OOH industry’s fastest growing product categories over the past decade.

While the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) proposal to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, essentially recognizing the legitimacy of medical uses of cannabis and acknowledging its lower potential for abuse as compared to more dangerous drugs, is pending review by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a growing number of states have taken steps to legalize its use in various capacities.  The OAAA’s Department of Government Affairs spent a considerable amount of time researching and documenting the various states’ (including Washington D.C.) changes to their cannabis laws and regulations pertaining to advertising, culminating with the recent update to the Cannabis Map.

On the medical front, there has been a noticeable trend toward expanding access to cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Three (3) states (AL, KY & MS) have introduced medical cannabis programs, recognizing its potential benefits in managing conditions such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and PTSD. Additionally, there has been a growing acceptance among medical professionals regarding the efficacy of cannabis-based treatments, leading to increased patient recommendations and approvals for its use.

In terms of recreational cannabis, momentum continues to build as more states opt to legalize its consumption for adult use. Since 2021, seven (7) states (CT, DE, MD, MN, MO, OH & RI) have passed legislation to allow recreational cannabis sales and possession, reflecting shifting societal attitudes toward its legalization. This trend has been driven by a combination of factors, including potential economic benefits through taxation and job creation, as well as a desire to mitigate the social and racial disparities associated with cannabis prohibition.

Source: Vivvix (a MediaRadar Company)

Overall, the state of cannabis in the United States from 2021 to the present reflects a constantly evolving landscape, characterized by a growing acceptance of its medicinal benefits and an increasing trend toward recreational legalization. Roughly twenty percent (20%) of states either legalized cannabis for medical or recreational use since 2021. The update to the OAAA’s Cannabis Map provides members a clearer picture and summary of the various state’s laws and regulations controlling cannabis advertising.


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