New Platform Promotes OOH Geo-Targeting

Realworld launches ​oohPro​, a geo-targeting platform for the Out-of-Home (OOH) media industry.

oohPro is the first global geo-targeting platform for the OOH media industry. The platform allows OOH media owners worldwide to compete for geo-targeted advertising budget

Realworld’s CEO, Michael Scruby, says: “oohPro makes geo-targeting available to the entire OOH media industry. Sellers can sign up for free at, map their sites and data and create geo-targeted OOH campaigns in seconds”.

Until now, mobile has been the go-to medium for brands wanting to geo-target. Many retail brands use geo-targeting to reach audiences in proximity to their stores. BIA/Kinsley estimates geo-targeting makes up around ​40%​ of mobile ad spend. And WARC estimates total mobile ad spend will reach ​$153Bn​ this year. By those estimates, mobile will reap around $60Bn this year from geo-targeted advertising.

But one big problem continues to plague geo-targeted mobile advertising. The problem of credibility. Questions continue to be raised about the credibility of mobile’s location data. Mobile location inaccuracies result in up to 80% wasted ad spend, according to a new report​ by Location Sciences.

Scruby sees mobile’s problem as a big opportunity for OOH:“With automated platforms like oohPro, OOH can both complement and compete with mobile”.  Scruby says geo-targeted OOH outperforms mobile on the basis of reach:“Mobile shows your ad to a small proportion of people in your target location. OOH shows your ad to everyone in your target location. oohPro helps OOH media owners exploit this natural advantage.”  For downloadable images and information about oohPro, view the ​Press page​ at or contact: Michael Scruby, CEO, Realworld

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