Minorities, Women and the Public US Out of Home Companies.

Insider analyzed the makeup of the boards and the executive/leadership teams of the three public out of home companies (Lamar, OUTFRONT and Clear Channel Outdoor) and here’s what he found.

The public US Out of Home companies outperform the S&P 500 in putting women on corporate boards but need more minorities. 

Women account for 32% of board seats at the US public out of home companies versus an average of 25% of board seats for the S&P 500.  Minorities, however, account for only 12% of board seats for the US out of home companies versus 20% of boards seats for the S&P 500.

Demographic Mix of Clear Channel Outdoor, OUTFRONT and Lamar Boards of Directors

Sources:  Company websites, 2018 Board Diversity Census

The public out of home companies need more women and minority senior executives. 

Minorities account for 24% of the US population yet make up only 6% of the executive/leadership teams at the US public out of home companies.  Needs to improve.  Women account for 51% of the US population yet make up only 18% of the leadership teams at the US public Out of Home companies. Needs to improve.  Clear Channel Outdoor has twice as many women in executive/leadership positions compared to OUTFRONT or Lamar.

Demographic Mix of Clear Channel Outdoor, OUTFRONT and Lamar Executive/Leadership Teams.

Sources:  Executive/leadership teams as identified on company websites, www.census.gov.

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