Matt Schulze on steel prices, a new hire and how to install a 24′ by 48′ digital sign

Insider discussed steel prices, a new hire and the Atlanta Braves Digital Marquee project with billboard fabricator Matt Schulze of Selective Structures at last week’s 2019 OAAA convention.

What’s new with steel costs?

A year or so  ago with the talk of the tariffs we saw some increases but we’ve seen a leveling off since then.  We have many vendors that we shop to keep our prices competitive.

Selective Structures did a really interesting install in Atlanta

Last year when they opened the new Atlanta Braves ballpark – Suntrust Park – we were chosen for two design build marquee signs.  One on I-285 and one on I-75.  These are 24’ by 48’ Panasonic digital billboard type Marquees.   The marquee on I-75 is 110’ OAH  The head section was over 100,000 pounds so Marcus Hardin our installer chose to do a tandem pick opposed to building it in the air.

The marquee on I-285 is 45’ OAH . Thysssenkrupp is building their 150 story building within 2’ of the 285 marquee. The problem was the back of the RHR face was in their building.  So we took the right hand read face and made it parallel with I-285.  The back of the structure will be 18” of the new building.

That sign better not sway 

It won’t.  We’re in good shape. Our foundation is 8’ wide and 35’ deep.   And we had good soil.

How long did it take to do the project?

The fabrication was 4 weeks and then about another 3 weeks for installation. Installation took longer than normal . We had to remove Suntrust Park logos the 24×48 digital screens and the Battery logo from existing RHR . Once removed we were able to re install on new RHR face . The biggest challenge was to keep their down time to a minimum . We were getting close to opening day.

How are the signs being used?

The Braves depend on these Marquees to help drive ticket sales.  They also sell advertising. I know  in the past they have been working with some local outdoor companies to help them manage it.

Matt Meier, Selective Structures

What else is new at Selective?

In January of this year we hired Matt Meier.  He was formerly with another fabricator in Oklahoma.  We had been after Matt for a while.  Matt is one of the best hires that we’ve made in a long time.  Matt has a tremendous desire to take care of his clients.  Matt is developing business for us in Utah , Oklahoma, Texas, all the way north to Minnesota.  The central part of the United States.

You’re one of the earliest Billboard Insider subscribers

Billboard Insider is the first thing I read in the morning.  I love the Insider because you take an equal interest in out of home companies of all sizes.  You give information to smaller companies.  There was a void for years until you started Insider.  Everybody that I talk to reads you daily.  When I talk to someone one of our first topics of conversation is usually something you’ve written that day.  Keep it going.

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