The Sixteen:Nine podcast interviewed out of home investment banker Mark Boidman last week on the state of out of home. Boidman is a partner at Peter J Solomon, a New York investment bank. You can listen to the 32 minute podcast here. Here are some excepts.
On why Peter J Solomon entered the out of home investment banking space.
We saw ahead. We said what’s going to happen to the landscape. We thought that media channels would fragment…The audience is fragmenting. You can no longer get 30 million people to tune into Seinfield or any program on television. So if you want to aggregate an audience today it’s no longer on television. And if its no longer on television where are you aggregating an audience? Potentially online. But there’s tons of issues…So we liked out of home. We said this is a channel where technology is going to help the business. It’s the only media channel we saw…where technology is a friend to the business.
On what the investors think of out of home.
We now get calls from investors, venture capital firms, private equity firms, family offices and strategically diversified technology and media companies, that want to buy or invest in out of home media. That was a far different story in 2012.
On how technology is helping out of home
…technology only helps out of home through digital signage, digital screens and improving attribution. Whereas for the internet and online videos technology is not helping. Young people today want to skip the ads that they see online.
What out of home technologies are you paying attention to?
Beacons work. They’re not for every application and they’re not for every out of home media company and opportunity but they certainly work. We are very strong believers in proximity networks and so we’d like to see more companies roll out proximity networks and the ability to interact and engage with the consumer in a contextually relevant way. We think we’re going to see more of that… The statistics around integration with mobile have been quite powerful. So that’s another opportunity for out of home to tap into mobile dollars… We sold a company in Canada earlier this year that was an out of home company that was doing a nice amount of revenue coming from mobile RFP’s and that helped their sale process. We sold that company to a telecom carrier…
Here’s the entire interview with Boidman:
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