(For this column I surveyed some buyers of OOH about their “likes” / “dislikes” about market rides. A giant “thank you” for your contributions!)
A big OOH sales competitive advantage is the market ride. Be it general market intro or review of proposed units, getting face time with key decision makers over a few hours is priceless. Every client inherently wonders if they will like the program. Use the market ride as a sales closing tool. To secure the sale, assure that after the program is charted, the client can review the program on paper, then you’ll ride the boards for first-hand evaluation and approval.
The market ride is also an extended needs analysis. Review 35 High Gain Sales Questions for great engagement questions.
As reps, we often balance wearing our “company hat” and wearing our “client hat”. On a market ride you must wear only the “client hat”. Your job is to secure the very best units based on the client needs. Don’t squander your credibility by over-selling a clearly poor unit. Your branch can worry about selling those units.
Newer clients don’t know what to expect from a market ride. Explain it is their ride and while you have an agenda, they are free to make changes.
OOH reps deliver huge value-added through market knowledge/insights. Leverage the market ride to supply strategic insights for the client. Tell them something unique (not obvious) about the audience of each unit. If you lack complete knowledge, drive the program beforehand and, over time, drive a different part of your market area each month to build your client value. Be certain you are focusing on the “audience” viewing the proposed unit. Sometimes a neighborhood surrounding a unit isn’t ideal, but the “viewing audience” of the board is prime.
Respect the client’s time by plotting the most efficient route. Always have a client ride packet assembled beforehand. Make it easy for the client to participate; put the map and sell sheets in ride order. Staple the pages as pages always get out of order. Note the current advertiser, panel numbers are often hard to read. Provide a note pad so the client can keep the notes. After the ride get the client notes so you remember what adjustments to make. Scan and return the notes to the client ASAP. Use the ride as a future client wish list and have them note future preferred units.
Follow up with a handwritten, snail-mailed card thanking them for making the time to do the market ride.
Many companies/agencies are no longer taking the time to do a thorough market ride. Offer to ride the proposed units yourself and give them direct feedback. It’s risky (you are taking the responsibility for their satisfaction), but it can be a great installment in building trust.
More rides= more sales…ride early, ride often!
Next: A Technique for Producing ideas
If I can leverage my experience to help you/your company sell more OOH faster, contact me at: KevinJGephart@gmail.com
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