As Insider continues our annual reviews of aspects of the OOH industry, this year we wanted to look at the labor and HR market. It seemed as if finding and keeping workers has been a steady theme throughout 2023. Robin Karp is the Director of Human Resources for Link Media and we interviewed her for her perspective managing HR for a large regional operation.

Robin, in 2023, it seemed every week I read something about labor shortages. Have labor shortages been an issue for the OOH industry?
Labor shortages have been an issue for most industries and Link has had its fair share of issues finding staff. However, we have been fortunate in that our turnover has remained low. Even some employees who have left have returned because the grass is not always greener on the other side.
What strategies have you used to meet Link Media’s growth goals with appropriate staffing levels?
I believe we offer something unique to our staff and that is loyalty which has allowed us to retain the staff we currently have and entice former staff members back to our family. We have and always will be upfront and honest with our employees about Link’s future growth and with that comes opportunities for our staff to be promoted from within our organization.
Have attitudes about work shifted since the pandemic, or is it a generational issue?
I would say that it’s a combination of both. The pandemic certainly did not help an already ailing staffing pool but we have definitely seen a shift within the last year or so. Earlier in the pandemic we did hire and relocate two General Managers which was a plus. During the height of the pandemic, it was very difficult to have individuals even apply for positions but now we are seeing an uptick in candidates.
As for the generational aspect, you must know your audience and speak their language when hiring. Late term millennials and early Gen Zers have something to offer companies that previous generations don’t and that’s growing up in the era of social media. Using their tools for recruiting is the best way to attract their talent.
Federal and State Regulations play a large role in Human Resources. Any significant changes during this past year?
Every year we see new federal, state and local regulations that we have to implement. We have seen an increase in state and municipality ban the box legislation; diversity, equity and inclusion laws; and paid leave time among other regulations.
Ban the box legislation prevents employers from asking applicants about criminal history on an application, during the initial interview stage or in some cases, even before an initial offer is made. Currently, 37 states, Washington D.C. and many cities and counties have some version of a ban the box law. The laws do not prohibit employers from checking criminal histories or using the information on a background check as long as the information is relevant to the position the individual will hold.
Do you see any continued trends or new trends developing as you plan for 2024?
The biggest trend coming out of the pandemic and that will continue into 2024 is remote work, which Link utilizes strategically. The upside to the pandemic is that it taught companies that certain type staff can be just as, if not more successful, working from home if they are able to do so. We will also see an increase in employee-friendly legislation including pay equity laws and paid leave.
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