Want to generate a 37% return on investment, risk-free? Replace your old HID billboard lights with high efficiency LED lights. Insider achieved a 37% return on investment by replacing 6 old HID lights on this Clear Lake, Iowa billboard with new high efficiency Holophane LED lights from Reliable Electric. Look at the numbers.
- The two-sided 12 by 40 billboard was built in 2007 and had 6 old HID lights. Daily kilowatt hour usage was 27.42.
Sign-Vue II LED Insider ordered 6 high efficiency Holophane Sign Vue 2 LED lights from Brian Kline at Reliable Electric at $400/each for a total cost of $2,400. You can find info on the lights at this link. The lights reduced the load from 458 watts per fixture to 108 watts while achieving beetter uniformity. The Sign Vue 2 LED lights produce an industry leading 120 lumens per watt.
- Kline shipped the lights to Insider’s electrician in Clear Lake, Iowa. The electrician’s installation bill was $1,071, including labor and rental of a lift truck.
- The new lights cut the billboard’s power consumption by 75% from 27.42 kilowatt hours per day to 6.83 kilowatt hours per day.
- Insider’s monthly electric bill dropped by 65% for a savings of $114/month.
- This return is risk-free. It’s a permanent cost reduction regardless of what the economy does. How many investments can you make which generate a 37% risk free return? Insider might have gotten an even higher return had he chosen to reduce the lights form 6 to 4. Holophane offers not just an easy fixture replacement but the option to reduce the number of lights per face.
- Insider computed the return before energy rebates because rebates vary greatly depending on the local power company. Brian Kline helped Insider identify an Iowa/Alliant Energy rebate program of $175 per fixture or $1,050 which increases the project’s return on investment to 51%.
- Insider based returns on hard costs. There are additional benefits from lower lifetime maintenance costs and better illumination.
Contact Brian Kline of Reliable Electric (bkline@reliable-electric.com, 866-250-6445) to learn how you can save money by retrofitting your old billboard lights with high efficiency LED’s.
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