Leith El-Hassan on Ordering for the One Small Step Campaign

By Leith El-Hassan, Circle Graphics Senior VP, Sales

For readers interested in supporting the new One Small Step campaign, promoted in yesterday’s edition of Billboard Insider, Circle Graphics is featuring all assets on www.OOHForGOOD.com. Out of Home for Good is Circle Graphics’ free industry filler copy site. OOH companies are invited to place requests for free PSA filler copy which include bulletins, posters, shelters and other products that match local inventory.  Visitors will also find digital files available for download.

If you are in need of a special printed or digital unit please feel free to contact Out of Home for Good at: Admin@oohforgood.com

Campaign overview

One Small Step (OSS) aims to reduce animosity and dehumanization across political divides by forging new bonds of connection and trust. We’re bringing strangers with opposing political beliefs together, two at a time, to record a conversation about their lives — not politics — and in the process, rediscover their shared humanity. We are also shifting social norms through public service campaigns and sharing stories.

Special thanks for considering using your unused inventory to make a positive change in the communities you serve.




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