Learn4life Uses Out of Home to Increase Enrollment


By Christine Sinanan, Regional Marketing Manager at Adams Outdoor Advertising

The pandemic of 2020 has shown us first-hand how our worlds can be turned upside down at a moment’s notice. Millions of people had to adapt quickly to new ways of living, working, and learning. As we figured out what our new normal would now look like, many of us began embracing more flexible lifestyles. We became more attuned to our needs and started listening to them. Individuals began searching for more adjustable workplaces to allow for better work-life balance. We searched for better ways to match our learning styles to programs that allowed more individualized approaches. This is where Learn4Life comes into play, a network of non-profit public schools helping students personalize their learning pathways. Learn4Life sets students up with career training and life skills while aligning with their personal goals. Each of their locally controlled schools is tuition-free and provides its students flexibility and one-on-one attention to succeed.

Learn4life teamed up with Adams Outdoor Advertising to increase awareness and encourage enrollment growth. The campaign AOA ran for Learn4life was a big, bright, and bold sequential (pictured above). This sequential of five larger-than-life messages reached out to the “non-traditional” student. Simple yet powerful statements of flexibility and personalization were running. Comments like, “I want to make my own schedule” and “I want to control my education” were followed by a powerful “Here you can” statement with Learn4life’s information. A flurry of compliments travelled quickly back to the Learn4life team on their punchy messages. This simple yet powerful campaign has proven to be a great success since their enrollments have increased tremendously.

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