Landmark acquires 127 assets for $60 million

Last week Landmark Infrastructure, the publicly-traded investor in tower, solar, wind and outdoor leases and easements announced the signing of an agreement purchase 127 assets in 32 states for $60 million.  Closing is scheduled for this week.  The press release did specify if any of the new assets were outdoor.  Landmark Infrastructure owned 547 outdoor advertising leases and easements at June 30, 2017.  It acquired 13 outdoor advertising leases and easements during the third quarter of 2017.

Insider hears that Outfront Media and Clear Channel Outdoor will work with Landmark and that Lamar have been trying to avoid Landmark.  This is apparent when you look at Landmark’s revenue exposure to the big three.  Clear Channel Outdoor accounts for 10% of Landmark’s quarterly revenue versus 4% for Outfront and 3% for Lamar.

Source:  Landmark November 2017 Investor Presentation  

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