Lamar’s Tommy Teepell on Selling Out of Home

Lamar has started an out of home podcast called Digital and Dirt.  Some highlights from Ian Dallimore’s interview with Lamar CMO Tommy Teepell

On an early OAAA presentation contrasting out of home with radio and newspapers and TV.

I come out there and I am getting blown away by stuff they’re doing and I immediately start changing my pitch…I go up there and the first thing I did is I said let me just clear the air.  You guys love television, you love radio, you love print…And here’s the strengths of television, here are the strengths of radio, here are the strengths of print.  Now let me show you what they’re not telling you.  And then I grabbed the remote control and started saying – a typical person watching television – dat, dat, dat…that’s what they do every time your commercial comes on.  I pulled up the radio and I turn it on and I said here’s a radio and here’s what happens when you’re commercial comes on…and I turn that.  And the paper…I said, oh yeah they have great circulation…and I rolled it up and threw it off the stage and it rolled down between the seats and I said your ad is in the paper, can you spot it…that’s the difference between us and them

Being relevant

I stole that from a guy that used to write for Ad Age.  He had what he called a theory of recency.  The theory of recency is we don’t care about an ad that we saw…until we need it…you see an ad for something to do with a new mobile device.  You don’t even care.  If you’re using Apple you’re not going to look at any Samsung products.  You don’t care until one day your bill goes from $300 to $600 and you call ATT and they give you all these bonehead reasons why…at that point you say, I’m getting another ad provider.  At that point you drive by and see a mobile at on a billboard…you look up and see who it is…you say I’m going to talk to those people tomorrow.  That’s why you have to advertise.  Nobody cares about somebody who does transmissions…until there’s a break.

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