Lamar Sues City When “Welcome Signs” Skip Zoning Process

Lamar is suing a township in Pennsylvania that allowed another sign company (PTM Signs) to build “welcome signs.” Actually, Lamar claims, these signs are billboards that circumvented the zoning process (Lamar et al v. Township of Robinson).

“PTM Signs were approved by the Robinson Board of Commissioners under the guise of approving a ‘Government Sign’ when in reality they were ‘Billboards’ and were approved without compliance with” local zoning conditional-use regulations, Lamar said in its lawsuit filed in Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, December 10.

If the township had noticed/advertised for construction of the six billboards similar to the PTM Signs, Lamar would have bid, the company said in its court filing.

Lamar alleges that the township’s decision to allow government welcome signs violated the Sunshine Act (open government) and Lamar’s constitutional rights to equal protection and due process.

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One Comment

  1. For all the good things that Lamar does as a company, this kind of thing negates it. Small, independent sign companies have a difficult enough time growing without the largest billboard company in the country complaining and suing when an independent is able to get sites. I’m guessing they have 90% of the market like they do here. I’ve heard many stories from independents where lamar just hassles them over permits. I’d like to hear more about this story and others like it.