Lamar Celebrates Pride Month

Baton Rouge, LA – June 2, 2021 – In conjunction with Pride Month in June, Lamar Advertising, one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in the world, has launched a nationwide campaign across the company’s digital billboard network to celebrate and express support for the LGBTQ+ community.

The campaign’s core message of tolerance, acceptance and love will be seen on more than 200 digital billboards in 30 markets in June.

“At Lamar, we believe strongly in diversity, inclusion and working together with respect and tolerance for all,” said Sean Reilly, CEO of Lamar Advertising Company. “In sharing a message of love and acceptance across the country through our digital billboard network, we proudly express our support for the LGBTQ+ community in the hopes that we can encourage the millions who see our billboards each and every day to treat everyone with kindness and respect.”

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