On the 67th Billboard Insider podcast out of home sales expert Kevin Gephart talked about selling advertising on digital billboards.

The up side of digital billboards.
I think it’s all up side when it comes to digital. Because first of all digital can now be sold like broadcast in that you can sell something today and have it up on Monday and that was unheard of in our business before. The other thing about digital is…high reach. I say it’s the only high reach, real time medium available. High reach, certainly. Television is high reach. But television can’t be real time. Social media marketing can be real time, but it’s not high reach. We’re the only one that bridges the two. The other thing I’ll say about digital is every time I see, and unfortunately I sold some of these, a static image on a digital I think it’s an enormously wasted opportunity. We are all in different mindsets on different days of the week…A recruiter has to have a Monday ad saying “Hey, hate going back to your job today – call us.” As the week goes on you talk about other aspects. Friday…going to have fun this weekend, why don’t you start a job that you like on Monday. Call us…Don’t say we have a sale starting August 31. Say we have a sale starting this Thursday, we have a sale starting tomorrow…People say it takes a lot of time and effort updating all that creative. Yes it does. Success requires a lot of time and effort. We really have to make the digital be a real time as it can be if we are going to help our advertisers monetize it the best.
Gephart loves conditional content
I love conditional content…The Vikings were in a playoff a few years ago and we had some beautiful, gorgeous digital in downtown Minneapolis and I had a casino that had conditional copy – one if they one the game one if they lost the game…They did win the game and I couldn’t help myself. I had to drive down there. It’s in the middle of January and these two guys are standing outside of one of the bars in downtown Minneapolis and I see the one guy nudge his buddy and point up because the billboard had the casino congratulating the Vikings on their win within 10 minutes…Capturing the moment is something we can do better than any other medium…
Kevin and Billboard Insider have co-published The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide. You can purchase a hard copy of the Ultimate OOH Sales Guide for $69.95 by emailing info@billboardinsider.com.
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