This is the second part of a series by out of home sales expert Kevin Gephart on how to sell digital out of home. Two weeks ago Kevin talked about the unique benefits of digital out of home. Today he talks about why people buy digital out of home.
Why buyers buy DOOH
We know why we SELL digital out of home, what do buyers say is the most important reason they BUY? Below is from an excerpt from a DPAA survey. (Note: I believe this is more agency driven than local).
- Creative flexibility.
- Scheduling flexibility.
- Newly available inventory in preferred areas.
- Mass reach during COVID (COVID might be over, but it demonstrates that mass reach during a crisis is important to buyers.)
- Free (earned) media.
If you engage them, you sell them!
One of the tenants of advertising is: if we engage a prospect, we can sell them. We are proven to be the most engaging medium.
Below is an excerpt from a Solomon Partners survey. The recall on digital out of home is 84%. It’s off the charts. People are engaging with us, unfortunately, the ad community is not giving us the credit we deserve for this huge engagement.
Some compelling third-party data from Nielsen, sponsored by OAAA:
- 3/4 of consumers noticed a digital billboard in the past month.
- Almost 2/3 noticed a digital billboard in the past week.
- Over half of consumers are highly engaged in the advertising on a digital billboard.
- Over 60% (61%) say it’s a good way to learn about sales and events.
- 3/4 (77%) of the consumers say that digital billboards catch their attention.
- Almost half (46%) say advertisements on digital billboards stand out more than advertising on television.
- Three quarters (72%) of consumers think digital billboards are a cool way to advertise.
- Two-thirds (65%) say DOOH is a good way to advertise new businesses.
- 71% of consumers say digital billboard ads stand out better than ads online.
- Over 2/3 (68%) of consumers say DOOH units make a city look modern.
- Over 2/3 (68%) of consumers say DOOH units are visually appealing.
Local advertisers win by following the wisdom of the marketplace:
Virtually all local advertisers are neurotic. They’re heat-seekers, always questioning, wondering, “Am I advertising as wisely as I can? Should I be here? Should I be there?” Your sales reps should direct prospects to “Win by following the wisdom of the marketplace – and the marketplace is turning to digital out of home.”
Digital out of home is growing 10% per year, while all but one other media channel is projected to decline. These are real businesses voting with their dollars.
Look for additional insights into selling more DOOH faster from the IBO in the next installment.

Training is motivation…make 2024 the year to motivate your team to sell more faster!
The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide (now in its 4th printing) is a self-contained sales training course. It starts with the OOH sales basics and sequentially takes you through the process of creating a successful and sustaining OOH sale (along with reference documents and templates). It is authored by someone who is actually experienced in selling OOH!
I’m available to help you plot your training plan of action, answer questions, and help guide your reps through the learning process.
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