Billboard Insider is running a series by out of home sales expert Kevin Gephart on how to sell digital out of home. Today Kevin talks about how digital out of home is unique.

Why DOOH is unique
Roadside digital billboards are as old now as TV was in 1972. What’s ahead of us is going to be astounding! We can move at the speed of business, match our client’s/prospect’s ambition. We’re agile, relevant, measurable and real-time.
Re-thinking our place in the market
Instead of just putting a digital sign in a market and running ads, what if we decided to become a unique community voice, doing much more than just PSA’s? Let’s do what the big companies either can’t/won’t. Let’s become a hyper local community connection.
That means on Saturday morning you post the scores of the previous night’s football game; you wish the mayor a happy birthday; you congratulate the high school valedictorian. Imagine if your reps call on local advertisers after you’ve created those hyper-local community connections. You’ll become bigger than an ad medium.
You barely have time to meet the requirements of your day job, right? Here is a high-gain test; focus on a digital that’s undersold or a market that’s troubled and become a community voice. Hire a part-time high school or college intern. Who will function like a social media creator/editor except they’re posting on digital billboards. Do hyper local messaging for 6-9 months. Focus a sales effort against those undersold boards and measure the sales results and the cost/benefit.
DOOH Market Trends
We are one of the only mediums consumers are moving toward.
42% of US out of home is going to be digital out of home in the next year and be at $16 billion globally by 2027
Digital Billboards – The Medium is the Message
Marshal McLuhan’s theory is: where companies advertise says volumes about them. Consumers believe companies that advertise on digital billboards are “more in tune with the times,” “more relevant” and are “cooler.”
From a Posterscope survey:
72% of people think digital billboards “are a cool way to advertise.”
65% of people think digital billboards are a “good way to learn about new businesses.”
67% of people think digital billboards are “a good way to learn about sales and events.”
A majority of people think digital billboards stand out more than other media.
70% of people agree that digital billboards provide current and important information.
Consumers love what we do. We get beat down by politicians and the bureaucrats’ believing billboards are bad, but the average consumer likes what we do.
DOOH Exclusive Attributes
- High reach. TV is high reach but can’t be real-time
- Real time. I can’t think of another medium that is high reach AND real time.
- Scalable – we can do small, or we can do big.
- Unskippable.
- Unmatched consumer engagement level.
- Short ad purchase cycle, moving at the speed of business!
- Creative luminescence. Luminescence pops. Ad images with light pop like no other.
- Multiple executions at no extra charge (try doing that with TV or print).
- Amplification of social media.
- 24/7 messaging.
- Lowest cost. I hope your sales reps capitalize on this critical attribute. Below is a SQAD Media Dynamics study chart with proof.
Look for more insights into selling more DOOH faster from the IBO in the next installment.
Training is motivation…make 2024 the year to motivate your team to sell more faster!
The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide (now in its 4th printing) is a self-contained sales training course. It starts with the OOH sales basics and sequentially takes you through the process of creating successful and sustaining OOH sales. (along with reference documents and templates). It is authored by someone who is actually experienced in selling OOH!
I’m available to help you plot your training plan of action, answer questions, and help guide your reps through the learning process.
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Excellent info, Kevin. Thank you!
Love your point of view Kevin. I was involved in the permitting and installation of the very first Digital Billboard in Canada (1998) and have been heading up local sales for over 25 years. Now over 450 large format screens from coast-to-coast.