Kevin Gephart on the Best Tool for Preparing Out of Home Sales People

On last week’s Billboard Insider podcast out of home sales expert Kevin Gephart talked about a must for sales meetings, how to coach sales reps effectively and whether the company off-site is worth it.

Out of Home Sales Expert Kevin Gephart

Make reps present at sales meetings

One of the best tools I’ve ever seen in preparing salespeople for sales calls is to have them make a sales presentation that they’ll be making in the next two weeks at a sales meeting. Sales reps hate this. You’re going to get a lot of grumbles, you’re going to get a lot of pushback.  Who wants to make presentations in front of their peers especially when their peers are being asked to critique it.  You can role play and it also forces sales reps to plan the call.  It gives reps valuable feedback.  You tap the community knowledge of everybody in the in sales.

How to coach sales reps

I had the luxury of going to a leadership institute in Philadelphia run by a guy with the name of Charlie Menzies and he had Menzies golden rule do unto others the way they want to have done.  You need to coach those reps in the way that they want to be coached…I encourage out of home sales managers to use a leadership inventory tool like a personality profile. There are a lot of good ones on the Internet. There are a lot of companies that do this service very inexpensively.

The role of company offsite company sales meetings

One of the sales trainers I’ve learned a lot from said “I think I’m standing in the front of the room giving them all these pearls of wisdom and people confess that they learned the most in the bar talking to other sales reps.  It’s the alchemy of people getting together with a common vision and common set of challenges. I went to some group training at a company I worked for and they brought three markets together –  I developed friendships and insights at that meeting that I used until the day I left the company.  It’s becoming more and more expensive but well planned and well done it will pay huge dividends.

An OOH sales training program for $74.95 per rep! Leading OOH sales organizations have adopted The Ultimate Out of Home Sales Guide as a 35+ segment sales training regime:

  • Comprehensive, sequential sales training chapters
  • Designed for regular sales training/meetings in 30+ minutes each
  • Proven, actionable sales strategies and ideas; providing a huge return on training investment
  • No travel cost/minimal sales time lost
  • Q&A access/support with Kevin Gephart throughout the training to clarify/expand on the teachings

OOH sales organizations find huge value in learning from an OOH sales pro who has “been there, done that.”  See Kevin Gephart’s credentials at


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