Chris Lytle ( is one the most influential people in my career. He is a world class trainer/educator/mentor, primarily serving the radio industry. Over the years he has given me remarkable insights, strategies, and ideas on how to sell faster. On a visit with Chris, I reviewed 5 big changes local in out of home and radio sales. I also discussed the importance of standards, how technology has compressed selling and the importance of a good CRM system.

Setting Standards
Focusing on standards is crucial. Chris said in his book The Accidental Salesperson, “You don’t want to go to a doctor or lawyer who doesn’t have standards.” Nobody wants to meet with a media sales rep who doesn’t have standards. After you define those standards, you quit doing the things that aren’t driving your success. I mentored a sales rep who was taking on responsibility for her operations person. I coached her to identify and focus on her standards. If internal departments aren’t meeting their standards and it’s affecting your sales, turn it to management. It’s not your problem. The other departments aren’t going to help with your sales job. Chris has a very specific and straightforward process for setting standards in his book, “The Accidental Salesperson” You can Google search it or reach out to me at: to access the book.
Technology has compressed everything. Previously you would get word of a business opening in your town and spend half a day figuring out who to call and how to engage in an intelligent conversation. Now you can get everything you need to know about the decision maker and key company data in less than an hour. Time compression allows people to become successful faster and also compresses the time it takes for a poor business person to go out of business.That same compression applies to ad agencies. The average life span of an ad agency/advertiser relationship is less than 36 months and, according to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, is continuing to decline. The median tenure of a Chief Marketing Officer is also compressing…now down to 25 months. The good news for radio/OOH reps is the constant is you (the media) and the client!
Customer Relationship Management
Any time you’re holding information in your head (or on Post-It notes) it limits your focus on other priorities. Reps who don’t have a formal CRM system are trying to achieve 2023 sales results with a 1973 approach. Having a bolt-on CRM system to your business operating platform can be very limiting. Be sure you have a robust system for tracking customer information. Hubspot is considered, by reviews, to be one of the best and there is a free version.
Competitive sales advantages are hard to achieve. The Ultimate Out of Home Sales Guide systematically guides you through heat-seeker prospecting, critical data gathering, idea generation, structuring killer proposals, making compelling presentations and a client service guarantee that assures a contract renewal.It is a great business tool which includes sample contracts and forms, and a complete account collections process. Get your copy of The Ultimate Out of Home Sales Guide before your competitors do.
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