Kevin Gephart on Effective OOH Marketing

Billboard Insider’s Dave Westburg (far left) moderating Independent Media Company Panel at 2024 OOH Media Conference

Billboard Insider’s Dave Westburg moderated an Independent Media Company Panel at the 2024 OOH Media Conference earlier this month.  He invited audience members to text questions they’d like panelists to answer.  There were many sales-related questions which the panel didn’t have time to address so we put the questions to OOH sales expert Kevin Gephart.  Today Kevin discusses effective marketing.

Out of Home Sales Expert Kevin Gephart

“How do you approach DOOH education with your local advertisers and your sales team in small markets.  How do you get buying for monetization?”

Training/education is a process, not an event. It begins with an effective, ongoing training program for your local reps. Along with that, arm reps with the tools and materials to educate the local ad community.

It’s much more cost effective to pay for training than to find the internal resources to develop your own.  When deciding on training it is critical to:

  • rely on trainers who have actually excelled at selling local DOOH.
  • be local direct-sales centric.
  • be focused on actionable ideas vs theory.
  • have a sales rep accountability component that focuses reps and assures they use the training.

I offer a DOOH training program ( as does the DOOH Academy ( The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide ( offers some DOOH training, and the OAAA ( has vast DOOH resources as well.

“What are some of your investments in marketing?  Which marketing tactics have been most successful?”

Doing DOOH marketing on a sporadic whim can be very costly and ineffective. Be strategic in your planning to assure you are getting the best ROI for your efforts (If you’d like help, please reach out to me).

Begin with a robust website that walks a prospect through the aspects of why DOOH can be powerful for them. Don’t simply list the features. Be certain your website and sales rep marketing materials contain compelling benefit headlines that are reinforced by the features.

You have local business decision makers’ attention right now. Local advertisers are heavy consumers of OOH, by virtue of the fact they are “High Milers” (going to/from various locations throughout the day). They consume far more OOH than the average consumer.

Every businessperson in your market is always checking your digital. They are heat-seekers and want to know who is moving and shaking in the marketplace. Design a compelling marketing/education program to convert their DOOH engagement to action (action=taking a rep appointment, calling your company).

If you would like a free copy of the PPT deck regarding selling DOOH faster I presented at the 2024 OOH Media Conference, or want to know how I can help your company sell more DOOH faster, please email me at:


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