Lease Disputes and a Drink That Brought Me to the Billboard Industry

Billboard Insiders’ panel at the IBO conference last week included Kerry Yoakum, General Counsel with Link Media Outdoor, where he shared his work experience and his unique perspective of the OOH industry, working from the inside of a larger regional billboard company.

 Kerry shared about his work background 

I began my career with the state of Ohio, starting as an intern in the Ohio Supreme Court Disciplinary Counsel’s office, then moving to the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation as an attorney, and eventually leading the Office of Contracts at the Ohio Department of Transportation where I was later put in charge of Outdoor Advertising. After nearly 17 years at OAAA, I joined Link Media a year ago, where my 22 years of experience have been a great fit.

Kerry Yoakum, General Counsel, Link Media

How Kerry ended up handling Outdoor Advertising for the Ohio DOT 

The Director asked me out to a Happy Hour one evening and mentioned that the Department had a program for billboards that he wanted me to take on.  I said I didn’t know anything about billboards and didn’t have the time for it. The next day there was a department notice that I was taking on Outdoor Advertising. When I asked, how did this happen, he said, you accepted my drinks.

On how he connected with the OAAA.

At a national conference in Cleveland, both OAAA and Scenic America were there. This was at the time digital billboards were starting to be rolled out. Scenic America said they found digital billboards to be very distracting and they didn’t see how they could be allowed.  From the stage, where I was leading the conference, I said 99% of the complaints I get are from on-premise signs that are too bright, flashing and we in Ohio allow them as long as they meet our criteria. I believe my insights on digital billboards caught the attention of Nancy Fletcher, leading to her hiring me at OAAA.

 How he spends his time at Link Media

I spend a lot of time working with my colleague, Ken Guy, in the real estate department. Link has acquired quite a few companies over the years and I can’t even tell you the number of different leases that we have. The leases are all are very different, in fact, some really old leases don’t even say who owns the structure in the  lease. Additionally, I spend a fair amount of time drafting our easements.

 Kerry Yoakum on lease disputes

Link Media covers 17 different states and have a small real estate department, but they are very mighty. They’re very good at what they do. They are the boots on the ground and I’m there to support them.  If they get a landowner who says “I’ll call my attorney” they can say “well, I’ll call my attorney and my attorney can talk to your attorney” and at that point it’s usually a reasonable conversation.

 If there is a situation that is not working out for Link Media

Ken Guy is the VP of Real Estate and Operations and I’m also very fortunate to work for Scott LaFoy. Both of them have a long history in the industry and a lot of great experience. As a result, it’s a collaboration environment at Link Media.  Surprisingly, we don’t have that much litigation instead we’re able to work out most of the issues without going to court.

On the importance of state associations

I always have been a supporter of state associations. When I was at OAAA, I attended many meetings and attempted to find ways to bring state association members together to manifest change.  Link Media is a member of the state association where we have billboards.  In my new role, I advocate for collaboration, between all members, to address common industry issues, like taxes and takings, and believe in leveraging successful strategies from one state to benefit others. Our industry is strong when we act together.


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One Comment

  1. Helpful if Billboard Insider would publish a list of state OAAA associations and contact info.

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