You don’t have to be a huge company in a mega market to use wallscapes. Joyce Outdoor developed this wallscape in the Scranton market, targeting the athletic facilities of Scranton Preparatory School. Insider talked with Joyce Outdoor’s Kevin Joyce.
Who’s the advertiser?
Geisinger, a major Pennsylvania healthcare company. They cobranded the campaign with Scranton Prep. We were working with the client’s agency Vision Media. The are incredibly fresh thinking. Vision wanted to create a landmark for the client and we were put to task. We admire them for doing an execution like this in a small market.
Was it hard to get the wallscape permitted?
Insider’s take: Here’s a picture of the building before and after the wallscape. The wallscape allows a local advertiser to express support for a local high school and brightens up a dreary old building. Good for Joyce, good for Scranton Prep, good for Geisinger, go0d for Scranton.
Before the wallscape
After the wallscape
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