Joni Schmeichel on Digital Billboard Trends

Daktronics OOH marketing strategist Joni Schmeichel talked about out of home advertising trends on the May 26 Daktronics Experience podcast.  Some of the highlights.

Joni Schmeichel, Daktronics Out of Home Marketing Strategist

Out of home is more than billboards

Traditionally a lot of people think about roadside billboard displays…But it’s also eye level type advertising, roadside, on the street, walk-up traffic, on the side of a building.  And it’s moving more towards indoor applications too if you think airport, malls, retail type locations – really any place that you can go out of your home…they can be networks, they can be individual, all across the globe, even 40 miles down the road where we’re at here in Brookings South Dakota…they have roadside digital billboards…=

On using rss feeds on your billboard

One thing that I think of is the Humane Society and the pet of a day or a new pet owner.  So they can pull in a pet of the day and put it one the display…

Using digital billboards for real time messages

…It’s been underutilized in the industry…The benefit of digital is that you can put out one message in the morning and maybe their competitor puts something else in the afternoon and they can change it…and you know if something is working right away.

On the trend towards landmark signs

We’ve had a lot of conversation lately about collaborating with municipalities…for land leases to share ad revenue…It benefits the community and it benefits the media owner in getting leases going forward.  So the community is able to share immediate, relevant messaging…they also maybe take advantage of putting the digital media display in a front location at an entrance to the city and maybe making it more of a landmark display…it’s a beautification initiative as well…

On digital signs and small markets

…Everybody has realized the benefits of digital even in small communities.  The street level, the side of a building, maybe, that’s promoting the local farmers market…Different sized displays, different resolutions…

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