I saw your article on Trivisions. I did have a comment on that. Another reason for going Trivision vs Digital, is if the market is too good for a static but not nearly good for a digital. One of my best performing Trivisions is in a remote rural southern Ohio tiny city of McArthur Ohio. I had a double stacked steel monopole with 10×24 faces (x4). The structure was opposite a high school and is a great location. I had potential clients on waitlist to get on the sign when and if it ever had an opening on any of the 4 faces. This was never gonna happen. So I decided to upgrade one of the faces to Trivision. It was sold out from day one and has been sold out for 2 solid years. It had a great ROI and barely 2 yrs later, I am enjoying pure profits with the extra 2 clients I picked up. Please note that this market in my opinion is not good for a digital. So for me this was a great investment. All 3 clients are happy with the Trivision. One of the other clients on the static face actually requested to swap for the Trivision.
Another reason to use a trivision is as a place holder. For example, in Ohio, digital signs and trivision signs are both considered as Multi-message displays and require 1000ft spacing. Take this scenario, If there were 3 statics structures A-B-C spaced 500 ft apart in the same order, and structures A and B are owned by John and Structure C is owned by Dave, John can get trivision on Structure B and can hold his place if he ever wants to go digital.
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Will you post the link to your previous article on trifaces.