On yesterday’s Billboard Insider podcast GreenSigns CEO Joe Mancino gave tips for working with city hall. Today he talks about the benefits of being green.
Recycled steel and resin
How we think when we’re actually doing business is what makes us green. I’ll give you some examples…We’ve built many new signs in Chicago. We’ve grown organically…Whenever we spec out a new billboard we spec it out with sustainability in mind. All of our steel is 100% recycled…sometimes is has taken calisthenics to get is sourced…we also do the same thing for the digital faces…we can spec the actual plastic panels before they get the displays in them to be 100% recycled resin…
High efficiency lights and eco-flex
When we start operating the sign we take the sustainability factor even further. For instance all of our signs whether they’re static or LED’s or digital are operated on wind and solar energy, 100%…metal halide lamps, these are horrible for our environment. They draw so much power…it’s a no brainer…disposing an LED lamp is so much easier and friendlier to the earth than disposing of these old metal halide lamps which have mercury in them and chemicals…We always spec eco-flex. It’s thinner. There’s no PVC in there…It does not last as long. If you have an annual contract eco-flex is not going to be the product for you unless they plan on changing it every 90-120 days..The average contract in Chicago now is under three months which lends itself to using eco-flex.
Going paperless
…On our real estate we can eliminate 80% of the paper that we do but because of statutorial requirements it’s not feasible to go 100% paperless. On the sales side…we were able to go 100% paperless and now that’s become very simple for us. Our sales people are on the road or their sitting in front of customers…most of them are using their company issued ipad. We have an operating platform from Broadsign…it runs the business from front end to back end. It does everything for us. It even sends out rent checks…Our sales people are able to use that platform, sit in front of a customer, do their presentation…and if they walk out of their without an order they leave behind a recycled USB drive with everything that they just presented to the client. So no paper has been exchanged…Should the customer want to go to contract through our Broadsign system we’re able to immediately go right to a contract, show it on the ipad and the customer is able to sign it with their finger…Everybody’s desk is clean…You’re so much more organized…
Joe Mancino (center) with U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D – Illinois) in Chicago in 2019
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