Job, Job, Jobs…

If you had not noticed, Insider recently posted four job opportunities in our classified section:

Lindmark Outdoor is seeking a National Business Development Manager

Link Media is looking for a Billboard Graphic Designer

Meadow Outdoor is seeking a Real Estate Manager

Huntington Billboards is looking for individuals to install vinyls and maintain their billboard inventory

Insider’s Note: Are you looking to move up or get started in the Out of Home industry? Or maybe you are an owner of an OOH company looking for a excellent hire.  The Billboard Insider Classified section is a terrific resource to consider.

Here are comments from our readers:

“Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified” 

“We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our Ad on your site.”  

“Billboard Insider classifieds section is where everyone in OOH goes to find job openings…. A great resource for Out-of-Home!”


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