Jim Poage On Safety Training

Billboard Insider talked with Jim Poage, Safety Director for Formetco about the company’s upcoming safety training class.

Jim Poage, Safety Director for Formetco

Hi Jim, we heard that Formetco is planning to do a live and in person training class in Duluth, Georgia the week of October 18, 2021. Could you tell us something about the plan for that week of training?

Jim: Of course! As you know, our last live, in person safety training class was performed in February 2020. After the Covid pandemic started, we canceled all physical meetings indefinitely to protect our employees and our customers. I was still available and worked as a resource to everyone that contacted us with questions regarding safety, OSHA, and Covid viral programs, but we did not have anything that was in person. Now that many people are getting vaccinated, and many others are still practicing safe guidelines while around other people, we feel they we can once again put on a live event without having to worry about the spread of Covid 19. To help keep everyone safe at the Formetco event, we will continue to practice social distancing, making hand sanitizer available, and furnish mask for anyone who would like to wear them during our classes.

It sounds like the timing is right for you to restart these classes. 

That is correct. After we went on indefinite hiatus, I had several people requesting live classes and just as many people contacting us wanting information on future classes. In some rare and unique situations, I did teach some live, on-site classes, but for the most part we kept a list of everyone that asked about the return of the classes and told them we would let them know when we were going to return to doing classes in Duluth.

Were people interested in the new class?

Yes. There were enough people interested that when we first announced going to restart class, we immediately filled over 50% of our capacity with attendees.

Tell us about the class.

Well, we have used the time that we were not traveling or doing training to improve on the courses that we had and develop some new offerings for when we did start the class again.   The planned schedule is as follows: Attendees are expected to arrive on Monday for a meet and greet that evening.  On Tuesday we cover two thirds of an OSHA 10-hour course. Wednesday we finish out the OSHA 10-hour course, and end the day by doing a CPR/First Aid class. On Thursday, we perform a climber training class, and depending on the skills of the attending climbers, it will be either a Level I or a Level II class. Additionally on Thursday we cover managerial topics such as working with contractors, structure inspections, and dealing with OSHA visits, just to name a few.  There will also be tours of each of the Formetco facilities.

You mentioned level I and level II climber class. What’s the difference?

Climber Level I is an introductory, or beginner climber training class. We have ground school where we cover the federal standards that apply to climbing billboards, the safety issues to be aware of, and topics like inspecting safety equipment and structures. Then after the ground school is completed, climbers will put on the necessary safety equipment and climb a 30-foot fixed ladder that is mounted inside in our classroom. They will demonstrate both stagger climbing and the use of vertical safety cable sleeves. Level II is for the advanced climber. A lot of the same topics are covered as in the Level I, but more in depth. There is a written exam the climber must pass. Then the climbers will go out and climb the 40 foot tower that is in the Formetco yard, while demonstrating the same skills as the Level I climber but also showing safe transition from a fixed ladder onto a deck and back, while being hooked up 100% of the time.

That’s a lot of training for three days. What other activities take place during this time?

After classes are finished for the day, there is social and network time where at dinner people can meet and discuss operations activities while enjoying some of the best restaurants in the Duluth area, as well as the famous Formetco cookout that we do at the office after class. There are a variety of activities and several gifts and rewards that are given out to people that attend. Additionally, this year will be different because we have an entirely new product line were going to be introducing.

Can you give us a preview some things that are going to be introduced?

Sure. Formetco has spent the last three years developing a relationship with a safety equipment manufacturer in Mexico. They are part of a 110-year-old safety business founded in the Netherlands. For the first time ever, there is going to be a product line made up of harnesses, lanyards, equipment tethers, and other safety equipment specially selected and manufactured for billboard workers. Because of our relationship with the manufacturer, we have the ability to customize every piece of equipment they will see.

This sounds like an exciting week to be in Duluth Georgia.

It absolutely is. The only caution I would give, is that we are over halfway sold out. So, if someone is thinking about attending or has had a desire to attend in the past, now is the time to do it. Otherwise, there may not be availability for this class, and they may have to wait until a future class is planned.

Thanks so much for your time Jim. Always a pleasure to talk with you.

If you’re interested in getting more information or attending the Formetco safety class the week of October 18 in Duluth, feel free to call your Formetco rep or you can go to the sign-up page at the following website.


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