Jim, is IQ Power Systems still offering a solar billboard products?
We were selected to be the manufacturers rep for the IQ Power Systems billboard products. I met the president through an advisory group that I participated in at Vanderbilt University. We worked to bring the products to market for about 2 years, but unfortunately the president suffered a heart attack that caused him to quit work. Without his leadership we unfortunately had to scrap the project. I learned a great deal about the challenges of designing a cost effective solar energy solution for billboards.
Tell us a little bit about the challenges of solar powered billboards?
It is all about taming the beast. We were dedicated to developing a system that provides enough AC power to light a back-to-back 14×48 as well as run 2 tri-face units. This challenge can be done in the space confines of a billboard unit, but not under the price threshold of $20,000. This type of system is very power hungry and stretches the capability of the best technology available.
What needs to happen for a solar-powered billboard to be a success?
An effective solar power unit for a billboard must be a simple DC battery storage system using DC LED lights. Where one might typically use 100+ watts of LED lamps, you need to think of light fixtures using 76 watt or even 50 watt LED lamps. Our experience tells us that unless the site has an extreme amount of bright ambient lighting in the area, the smaller lamps will do just fine. Additionally, I like a split system with separate battery storage and charging controllers for each face. Downsize your power demands and the solar system quickly becomes manageable with simple cost-effective components. Spend your dollars on the best batteries you can afford.
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