Jane Burhop on engaging out of home audiences.

History Channel Unforgotten Soldiers Experiential Out of Home

“We need to stop thinking of OOH as a stand-alone billboard or a bus shelter poster and start thinking of how it can interact with and engage with its audiences.

Jane Burhop, Creative Director, Common Venture

History Channel’s Unforgotten Soldiers brought a black and white World War I photograph to life on one of Aukland’s busiest street by recreating a real life trench.  Complete with surround sound effects and soldiers in uniforms, the eight-hour performance echoed a typical day in the trenches.  The campaign, which used traditional media channels, was screened on the History Channel and shared socially using the hashtag #UnforgottenSoldiers.”

– Jane Burhop, Creative Director, Common Ventures, quoted in Open3, a book published by the Outdoor Media Association of Australia, Out of Home Marketing Association of Canada, Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Outsmart UK and the Federation European Publicite Exterieur.

OAAA has some copies available for free plus shipping.  Contact Nancy Fletcher (Nfletcher@oaaa.org) if you’re interested.

You can read the entire Open3 book online at this link.

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