My name is Sherri Sales, and I am a Public Affairs Specialist for the Internal Revenue Service in the Tax Outreach, Partnership and Education Branch. I would like to discuss the possibility of Circle City Outdoor partnering with the Internal Revenue Service to issue a Nationwide public service announcement utilizing Circle City Outdoor electronic digital billboards.
With our partnership, we can put all taxpayers first by making them aware of the 2022 tax season credits, deductions and other rights that they are entitled to, thus ensuring that they pay the least amount of tax, and when applicable, obtain a refund. You can make a difference by sharing any of the attached images during the 2022 filing season, thus helping taxpayers, the economy, and our great country.
We have 4 designs that all share an important message with the public. We want to make sure people are aware of the changes to the Child Tax Credit and other related, refundable credits, as well as, assisting them in getting help, through the use of your electronic digital displays.
We understand you will have to check the availability on your displays. We would appreciate any time slot our messages could be displayed. Even if the images are displayed for just one-day during the peak period, you would be providing a tremendous lift by reminding all tax payers the various credits and benefits in filing early to get their money.
Thank you in advance for your support. Please let me know if you could run any of our new messages on your displays from now through April 18. Also if you can confirm the size you will need, we can provide any sizing you require. If you are available for a quick phone call or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. My phone # is 949-575-6163 or email:
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Our government will do do anything they can to curtail our free speech and then have the gall to ask us to put their message out? The next thing they will want to do is put ads up for new IRS agents. No way! Not on my billboards!