Insider’s New Book is Available!

Billboard Insider’s Guide to Leases, Easements and Real Estate  is an important resource for anyone in the Out of Home industry.

The 130 page Guide tells you:

  • How to use an out of home attorney effectively
  • 21 things in a good out of home lease
  • 11 things in a good out of home easement
  • Lessons from  28 legal cases and Billboard Insider articles on out of home leases and easements
  • When your out of home company should purchase real estate and how your should structure a real estate purchase.

The Guide also contains

  • a boilerplate out of home lease
  • a boilerplate out of home easement
  • a list of attorneys specializing in out of home lease and easement law.

The Guide costs $79.95 and is available in pdf and ebook formats.  You can purchase and download your copies of the Guide  here.  If you need help purchasing your copy of the Guide contact


The current Paperback run is sold out  – Our first paperback printing sold out this week. HOWEVER, if you are interested in a paperback, contact John Weller at  If we have enough interest we will start working on a second printing.


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