Insider’s New Book in Paperback?

Billboard Insider’s Guide to Leases, Easements and Real Estate  is an important resource for anyone in the Out of Home industry.


We have had a number of requests for our new book in paperback. We are planning on running a printing of the books, but will be limiting it mostly to specific requests.

The Guide costs $79.95, we will be offering it at the same price in paperback, but will also be adding a shipping charge based on the number of copies in the order. If you are interested in a paperback of the Guide email to and let us know.

We will need to hear from you this coming week so we can finalize our count and get printing started.

For those of you comfortable in the digital world the Guide is available in pdf and ebook formats.  You can purchase and download your copies of the Guide  here.  If you need help purchasing your copy of the Guide contact



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