Innovative Billboards Introduces Scrolling Billboard

In the last few years, roadside billboards have tended to fall into three categories: static/traditional, digital, and tri-vision.

As an accomplished veteran inventor and entrepreneur, Paul Angott had an idea (Paul with 44 patents selling over $100M+ in patented products, was named Michigan 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year, and received an honorary doctorate for a novel breast cancer tester he developed and patented). While he was driving an expressway 8 years ago, he started noticing digital billboards.  Because he had toured a factory where they were made, he knew they were extremely expensive, with very high energy cost, and typically only last 7 to 10 years.  His research found:

  • Average annual static/traditional billboard profit is only $4k
  • With digital, average annual profit grows to $34k; however, they are so expensive, payback often takes 4 to 6 years and the cutoff for most companies is 2 years
  • Because of high cost and protracted payback, digital has only captured 4% of the market in 18 years
  • Digital is banned in parts of 11 states

These discoveries manifested a huge opportunity for a game-changing hybrid innovation; a mechanical 14’ by 48’ scrolling billboard. The main drivers of its enormous profitability are it’s half the cost of a digital LED screen and operates for 1/10 the electric cost and it sells for about $64k ($80k installed). With annual profit of $40k, the payback is only 2 years!


The market is immense.  There are 92,000 static, 14’ x 48’ billboards in the US making it a $6B market. Angott believes operators will love that it works as a static retrofit, or as a new build unit.

Over the past 6 years Paul’s meticulous R & D and market testing has perfected some critical attributes:

  • Improved ad change speed and lighter weight than previously designed prototypes
  • The unit holds 12 quickly changed ads
  • Operators are in full control of the unit 24/7
  • The ad order and duration can be changed remotely
  • New ad substrate can be added or changed in about 30 minutes with a team of two in any weather, day or night
  • Has a 30-year life
  • Doesn’t require maintenance for approximately 10 years
  • Proven to work from -50 degrees to 150 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Withstands winds up to 120 MPH

The newness and uniqueness of the medium, ad vibrance of the printed mylar-like image, the dynamic changeability/updating of the messaging, and the easy-to-read screen (with non-glare acrylic front) will drive consumer attention.

Innovative Billboards LLC is set to unveil a prototype in March 2024 with sales beginning in May 2024.

If you want to be in on the beginning of some exciting billboard innovations as an investor, or to learn more, Paul would love to talk to you (248) 444-1492 or at:


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