How to Make Billboard Scaffolding

This 1 minute video shows how Formetco makes billboard scaffolding.

Insider talked with Formetco Hardware Sales Manager Denise Roberts about scaffolding.

Denise how long have you been making billboard scaffolding.

Formetco has been manufacturing the same scaffold since 1979. Last year we sold over 100,000 linear feet in platforms alone, for wood pole billboards, retrofits and replacements for fiberglass catwalks.

How are scaffolds produced?

Formetco catwalk is produced using galvanized 16-gauge steel, from Phoenix Metals.  The galvanizing process acts as a protective shield between the steel and the outside elements, preventing rust and extending life of the scaffold.  The 16-gauge steel, when used with 4” kick rails, allows a maximum support span of 16’, making this an ideal weight and strength for all structures including wood poles. The punch pattern is custom designed by Formetco to provide a non-abrasive grip under various weather conditions.

What Sizes?

Standard kit sizes are 24”x24’, 24”x36’, 24”x48’, and 36”x48’, however since Formetco is doing it all in house, they have the capability to do customized lengths, kits, and walkaround with the quickest turnaround times in the industry.  Last year we added a 6” wide addon option, to convert their 12” wide scaffold to 18” wide for tight back to back structures.

What happened to the scaffolding in the video?

It was shipped to California that afternoon.  From start to finish a 24′ section takes 58 seconds to punch and form.

You can contact Denise at 678-478-6255,


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