By Neil Bell, New South Outdoor
In response to my column yesterday a reader asks: How do you think we should go about (or not) prosecuting right now; should we carry on like normal? I’m having a hard time getting ANY response to a cold call/email and quite frankly, I feel very insensitive trying to push billboard sales at this time.
This is how I would respond…
That is an interesting question. We are currently doing 100% email prospecting (You can get to a lot of people if that is what you do all day – not to mention, it is a waste of time trying to walk in places right now). We are finding pockets of interest and we are actually closing deals. We have called on a number of businesses in the last week who I am certain will become customers once this isolation is over. The interest is there. We have to try to fill that pipeline, even if the timeline is longer before they buy.
I think the thing to remember when making calls during this time is that the proposition to potential customers should be:
- we have attractive options (flexible pricing, added value/bonus space).
- we have good ideas (ways to craft good messaging or promotional ideas).
- we have a great advertising medium (this is a given).
- we want to find a way to help.
We are also going to be a great way to jumpstart things once people are able to get out and about.
Also, I wouldn’t look at it as being insensitive. I truly believe that what we have can help these businesses. When selling, we always look to find the prospect’s problems which we can solve – and having a drop in business traffic is actually a problem we 100% can assist in solving. Think of yourself as their partner and maybe you won’t feel unsympathetic or insensitive at this time.
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Great thoughts! Business isn’t going as usual, there is a lot of change. My local pizza parlor (Overpass Pizza, Covington IN) is now running take-out car hop service. They would benefit for an ad reminding the community they are open and have take-out.
Stores are changing hours and adding Seniors only hours. Change drives opportunity. An email with some ideas, maybe even some sample artwork, and a special price or offer could go a long way to keep your pipeline full, and your customers’ business thriving.
Make it a Tremendous Weekend, all the best and stay healthy!