Many countries in Europe are rolling back stay-at-home restrictions as they bring COVID-19 under control. Here’s what it looks like.
- Austria is allowing small shops to open effective April 14 with other shops and hairdressing salons to open May 1 and restaurants/hotels to open in Mid-May. Events are banned until the end of June. People must wear facemasks to supermarkets and on public transport.
- The Czech Republic has reopened small shops and essential travel outside the Republic is permitted.
- Denmark is reopening nurseries, day care centers and primary schools April 15. Gatherings of more than 10 people are banned until May 10. Churches, cinemas and shopping centers remain closed. Large gatherings are banned until August and the borders remain shut.
- Spain is allowing some employees to return to work in factories, offices and construction sites.
- Norway will reopen kindergartens on April 20 and schools on April 27.
- The American Enterprise Institute is calling for a phased reopening of business with telework and staggered work shifts social distancing while maintaining a ban on gatherings for more than 50 people.
- Axios reports that the White House has targeted May 1 to start lifting restrictions. Governors on the East and West coast have formed regional working groups to discuss how restrictions might be loosened. A post lockdown world may include limits on the number of people who can come in stores, working a few days a week in the office, staggered shifts, and social distancing at work.
- The State of California announced unspecific plans to unwind social distancing yesterday. The plan suggests restaurants will reopen with fewer tables and face coverings will be common in public and there will be an emphasis on quarantining. No specific date was given for when the stay at home order would be lifted.
Insider’s take: May will be the month in which things start easing in the US. Don’t expect life to return to normal right away. If Europe is any guide you can expect covid-19 restrictions to be eased first in offices and schools and small shops and later for restaurants and hotels. Look for advertising in these sectors to recover first. Non-essential travel and large events like concerts, professional sports, movie theaters and cruises may be restricted till fall. Good if you rent billboards to Netflix. Bad if you rent billboards to help fill concert and sports venues.
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