By Kevin Gephart
A big “thank you” to the 78+ who participated in the IBOUSA “Making OOH Sales Faster During a Recession” webinar last week. It was a big success! A very good question was asked after the session: “What do you say to a client when they ask how we measure and report success to them?”
There are some very robust attribution tools (Definition of “attribution”: determining which media channels in ad messages had the greatest impact on the decision of the consumer to take action.) in the marketplace, however in the final analysis, advertisers don’t want data, they want consumer action whether it’s store visits, web visits, or other various inquiries.
Advertisers attempt to determine from consumers how they heard about them. Studies have consistently shown this recall is highly flawed; people seldom remember where they get the message. Often, when advertisers ask that question, they don’t list OOH ads as a choice in “where did you hear about us” options.
00H has done such a great job of positioning itself as a branding medium, advertisers have a hard time understanding and appreciating that we can work harder for them. In the context of a well-crafted brand message there needs to be a call to action; a direct response mechanism that elicits the response the advertiser is looking for. A branding message may be highly successful in creating/reinforcing strong brand attributes in the mind of the consumer, but you won’t know to what degree without doing extensive post-campaign perceptual research.
You will provide the advertiser with critical data in the OOH purchasing phase (reach, frequency, total impressions) to ensure that they are going to get strong return on investment, but at the end of the day, you need to measure the result with a call to action.
When local advertisers want action/results/response, don’t let them run a pure branding ad. They must craft a message that contains a reason to take action now. Determine an advertisers very best direct response offer and post that on their OOH ad space. Dollar for dollar, time for time, OOH produces better results than any other media because our medium is so intrusive and at such a low cost per thousand ad impressions.
Your objective in selling OOH should be to change “where” clients advertise not “how,” I am always disappointed when I see how many local advertisers use direct response advertising in their direct mail and print ads, but refuse to do it on a billboard. Imagine a direct mail piece that didn’t carry a call to action, just branded the client. Help your advertisers create a compelling direct response message in the context of a strong brand image. That is the very best way to measure the results for local advertisers.
If I can help you sell more OOH faster, contact me at:, or call or text to 612-387-5349
Your competitive advantage in selling OOH = The book: “The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide” now available at
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